Thursday, August 30, 2012

Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes.

I look in the mirror and think so myself: "who am I?" I've been wondering that for the last year. Everything about myself makes me unhappy. Every last detail, I wonder why I'm the way I am. Maybe it's from all the damage that's been mentally done to me. Maybe I'm at my last leg and I can't take anymore so I just shut down inside and think to myself about all the things I could change to make me better. I never act on it though, I stay the same person I've been unhappy with for so long. I question every action I take and ask "what could I have done different, done better?" I'm falling down, crumbling to pieces and for what? For nothing. I feel so alone day in and day out. Maybe it's because people hear, but don't listen. I can't recall the last time some one asked me if I was ok or asked "what's going on in that mind of yours?" People just don't care, they make me feel useless. I wonder why we're programed to be the shitty people we are and no answers have called down to me. Sometimes, I just feel senseless., I always have a sense, a sense I wish I couldn't feel. At least not as roughly. I don't know what I'm going to do to make myself feel any better, I don't know if I even want to try because it's always going to get shot down leaving me feeling alone and helpless...