Friends come and go through high school. You never get along with anyone longer than a year and a half. Best friends constantly replace you every school year. Your teachers make you more angry than the best friends replacing you. You enter high school with one or two REAL friends and leave high school with one or two different REAL friends; or none because no one's ever truly there through it all. All in all, high school basically sucks and there's nothing you can do about. Your dad is not present in your life. Your best friend is no longer your best friend over what? Your disappearing best friend's ex hits on you, jokingly I hope. You start talking to some one new then get wrapped back up in your ex then have another guy kiss you three times in the hallway when no one's around. You can't tell secrets to anyone because they always get around. Your whole school is herpes infested. Your grades are awful. You have never met your sister. Even outside of high school, things are always messed up. Nothing ever goes right these days anymore. I don't feel like anyone deserves the problems they go through, and I don't believe I do either.
I've learned through out all the troubles I deal with on a daily basis: nothing is perfect, every one makes mistakes, true friends end up not being so true, and where I live is absolutely unsatisfying. I can complain all I want but none of this is going to change. I'm never going to have a relationship with my dad, my grades are never going to improve, my friends are never going to stay my friends, I'm always going to get replaced, disappearing best friends' ex's are always going to hit on me when I would never even go there, boys are always going to be a problem, I'm never going to like my high school, herpes is going to continue spreading therefore I will still never touch a boy at mhs, and no one will ever stay true.
I'm just a lonely girl whom could care less what anyone thinks about me. I will never get my way with anything and I've learned just to be ok with that.
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